Who We Are

We are Sentinels.

We pair academics — set in a disciplined, traditional setting — with a high noble purpose; education that is virtue-oriented rather than skills-oriented. This approach develops within our students the ability to understand the highest matters, the deepest questions of truth.

Students learn how to think, rather than what to think.

Our Way of Life

At Golden View Classical Academy we practice the art of teaching, which respects the intellectual environment while cultivating curiosity in our students. Curiosity drives people to know and understand more, to strive and seek to grow. Our virtue-oriented culture gives our students the rich knowledge they need along with principles of moral character and civic virtue. Our traditional classroom ethos embraces an intentionally low-tech environment in order to cut out the distractions of smartphones and other attention-sapping devices, allowing our students to better focus on what is being taught.

Too many schools have lost sight of the higher possibilities inherent in education, focusing primarily on college and career readiness, as if those are the only two things that matter. We want to prepare our students to go on to live meaningful, fulfilling, productive, happy lives, and for that a certain moral and intellection formation is vital.


Golden View Classical Academy develops the moral and intellectual skills, habits, and virtues upon which independent, responsible, and joyful lives are built, in the firm belief that such lives are the basis for a free and flourishing republic.


This is achieved by training the minds and improving the hearts of young people through a classical, content-rich education in the liberal arts and sciences, with instruction in the principles of moral character and civic virtue in an orderly and disciplined environment.

The Sentinel Creed

We are the Sentinels

We study the world to know it better,
To thrive in our lives and build our future.
We preserve the past as the best guide for living today.

It is the source of our strength, our virtue, and our longing
It gives us the courage to act but the moderation not to when prudence tells us otherwise;
The disposition to be just in our deeds and responsible for our choices.

The desire to nurture deep friendships as life’s true riches;
And the thirst to live a life of wonder as an inheritance we are honor-bound to protect.
And all of this with relish, to do what is just, love what is beautiful, and seek what is good for ourselves, our friends, and our fellows.

I am a Sentinel.